It is said that nude or erotic photography is the supreme discipline of photography.
Why? On the one hand, the degree to pornographic or kitsch photography is very narrow. Wherever human sexuality is affected, tastes often diverge widely. What is art for some is already too much for others.
On the other hand, one acts with half-naked or naked models.
Without knowing each other personally, the boundary of the usual sphere of personality is crossed in favor of a photographically necessary closeness. After all, the photos are supposed to create the necessary tingling sensation in the viewer. In this respect, the communication between model and photographer plays an important role. The photographer works in a sensitive area and has to accept the limits of the model.
The empathy of the photographer is always required. If the chemistry between the participants is not right, one inevitably sees it in the results. Then one should better stop a shooting...
The prerequisite is, of course, that you have mastered the technical side of photography, as well as setting the light as a creative means.